Arsenicum album – Immune booster and prophylactic medicine for covid-19

Homoeopathy is a holistic therapeutic system founded by a German physician Dr Samuel Hahnemann in the year 1796 and has been used globally for over 200 years. Homoeopathy is the second widely used system of medicine.


Homoeopathy is often criticised for not having sufficient scientific evidence on the action and efficacy of its medicine in the human body. European Committee of homoeopathy and Central Council of research in Homoeopathy (CCRH) India collated research in Homoeopathy. These two organisations conducted research in more than 70 countries throughout the world. Many physiochemical and pharmacodynamic studies have documented the physiological changes induced by homoeopathic medicines and their efficacy.

Homoeopathic medicines have been used as a method of immunotherapy for over 200 years. This method of disease-specific immunization is known as ‘Homoeoprophylaxis’. The main aim of this homeoprophylaxis is to enhance and boost the immune system in order to reduce the incidence of infection. The basic principle is to increase the basic innate immunity.

Homoeoprophylactic medicines for a specific disease is selected on the basis of symptom similarity. This method requires identification of a homoeopathic remedy which induces symptom similar to the prevailing epidemic infection and is frequently used to prevent the infection among people. This remedy is known as ‘Genus Epiemicus’. In short Genus Epidemicus for a particular infectious disease is based on analysing the symptomatology in the affected community.


Below is the list of epidemic diseases which were successfully controlled by homoeopathic prophylactic medicines.

Year of the Epidemic Name of the Epidemic Disease Country used Homoeoprophylaxis
1799 Scarlet Fever Germany
1830-1831 Cholera Russia
1830-1832 Cholera Vienna, Prague, Hungary
1836 Cholera Vienna
1847 Typhus Fever Ireland, England
1848 Cholera Scotland, England
1853-1855 Yellow Fever South America
1854 Cholera London, England
1878 Yellow Fever New Orleans, USA
1918 Spanish Influenza Pittsburgh, USA
1990 Influenza California
1998 Meningococcal Meningitis Brazil
2007-2008 Leptospirosis Cuba
2007 Dengue Brazil
2009 Dengue Cuba
2009 Dengue India
2010 Swine flu Cuba


The medicine which covers the totality of symptoms produced by the current pandemic Covid-19 was identified by the Central Council of Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH), India. CCRH was under the ministry of AYUSH. Based on the CCRH research AYUSH ministry on March 6th 2020 declared ARSENICUM ALBUM 30 as a prophylactic medicine for covid-19.




Arsenicum album is the most prescribed homoeopathic remedy for respiratory infections. Pharmacologically, Arsenicum album as one of the constituents in a formulation has been shown to act upon HT29 cells and human macrophages. Also, it showed an inhibitory effect on NF-κB hyperactivity (reduced expression of reporter gene GFB in transferring HT29 cells), and inhibition of TNF-alpha release in macrophages. During the latest studies, it was shown that Arsenicum album acts effectively not only in the prevention of covid-19 but also treats successfully the symptoms of covid-19. The clinical effectiveness of Homoeopathy for increasing immunity and prevention of various viral infections has been reported throughout the world during various epidemics and pandemics. Hence Arsenicum album 30 will act as an immune booster and prophylactic medicine for the current pandemic Covid-19.


sushaanth (1)


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